NIKE " Free Yourself " TV Commercial (30s)
Nike推出全新”Free Yourself”概念短片,鼓勵各個年齡、族群做自己喜愛的運動,並享受運動帶來的樂趣。主題為”Throwdown”的30秒電視廣告短片中展現了各種瘋狂的活動,熱愛運動的人們無論在球場上、體育館、操場上、甚至海邊或街頭,都是他們展現並挑戰自我的機會,並樂於其中享受自由運動的快感。
The launderettes - Nobody but me
在最新30秒版本的Free Yourself廣告中,剪輯的片段主要是以女性為訴求,或許是因此,廣告配樂也搭配了來自挪威的全女性樂團The launderettes所翻唱的Nobody but me,此版本單曲收錄在"Fluff 'n' Fold: The Best Of The Launderettes."這張專輯,數位音源與實體專輯皆有販售,可至了解更多詳細資訊。
The launderettes由五位團員組成,音樂型態是以60年代的Garage Punk (車庫龐克) 為主,Garage Punk是Garage Rock跟Punk Rock的融合,是一種快節奏且低品質特徵的音樂,通常伴隨著髒與急促的吉他音色,大部分都是指沒有簽約的獨立製片樂團。
Garage punk is a fusion of garage rock and punk rock. It is fast-paced lo-fi music characterised by a dirty, choppy guitar sound—usually played by bands who are on independent record labels or who are unsigned. Garage punk bands often distance themselves from hardcore and political punk bands.
The Isley Brothers - Nobody But Me
Human Beinz - Nobody But Me
"Nobody But Me" is a song written by O'Kelly, Rudolph and Ronald Isley, and first recorded by The Isley Brothers in 1963. The most commercially successful and widely known version was a 1968 US top ten garage rock hit by The Human Beinz.
Nobody But Me這首歌最原始的版本是由The Isley Brothers於1963年所錄製,不過後來廣為人知的則是忠於The Human Beinz於1968年翻唱的版本,這首歌是garage rock在60's黃金年代的經典歌曲之一,有趣的是這首歌也曾被美國樂評人評為最負面的歌之一,原因是在短短2分多鐘內就出現了100多個no ..
NIKE " Free Yourself " TV Commercial (60s)
NIKE " Free Yourself " TV Commercial (1'30")
NIKE Free Yourself廣告先前有60秒和1分30秒的版本,所採用的配樂正是由The Human Beinz於1968年翻唱的Nobody But Me版本,也讓我們得以重溫這首garage rock的經典歌曲。