在最新的 Google+ Hangout 廣告中,The Muppets 的可愛布偶們在線上進行了一場瘋狂聚會,一起來看看他們的搖滾劇場吧 ~
Hang out 這個片語指的就是好朋友約一約一起打發時間,如出去遊玩、或是宅在家看電視、打電玩等都可稱做 hang out。而 Google+ 上的 Hangout(線上視訊聚會)功能則讓朋友們的聚會活動或公司會議更加方便,可以完成充滿創意的表演,也能多人協做編輯工作內容,Google+ Hangout為生活帶來了更豐富便利的想像空間。廣告透過 The Muppets 布偶們的線上實境表演,強調 Google+ 的 "Just hanging out together." 特性,布偶朋友們聚在線上一起搖滾吶喊,也讓我們欣賞到一場瘋狂的大青蛙布偶秀 ~
迪士尼旗下的美國布偶節目《大青蛙布偶秀》(The Muppet Show),自70年代起風靡全球,締造出許多膾炙人口的傳奇經典角色,如風情萬種、兇悍卻迷人的 Miss Piggy 豬小妹、膽小溫和的 Kermit the Frog 青蛙先生柯米特、瘋狂鼓手 Animal、全身紅毛愛吃披薩的 Elmo 艾摩、能吃下任何東西卻不會消化不良的藍毛餅乾怪獸 Cookie Monster、愛說冷笑話的 Fozzie Bear 福滋熊、科學家 Dr. Bunsen Honeydew 和他的助手 Beaker ...,而之後由真人與布偶同台演出的《芝麻街》,也成為了六、七年級生的兒時共同回憶。
廣告中的背景音樂是來自皇后合唱團(Queen)和大衛鮑伊(David Bowie)在1981年共譜的名曲 "Under Pressure",歌聲都極具戲劇化與爆發力的兩位原唱,由 Freddie Mercury 負責高音,David Bowie 負責低音,兩人的音域形成了一種對照與互補,將這首歌推上英國金榜冠軍的殊榮,也成為 Queen 與 David Bowie 的代表作之一。
"Under Pressure" 歌詞中反應的是現代人的心聲,感受到壓力是這個時代許多人們的共同特色,Queen 和 David Bowie 在30年前卻已唱出先兆,可謂是音樂先知。上面影片是原版的MV,看起來有些老調,可能是當年刻意製造的復古感吧 ~
Mm ba ba de
Um bum ba de
Um bu bu bum da de
Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing down on you no man ask for
Under pressure - that burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets
Um ba ba be
Um ba ba be
De day da
e day da - that's o.k.
It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming 'Let me out'
Pray tomorrow - gets me higher
Pessure on people - people on streets
Day day de mm hm
Da da da ba ba
Chippin' around - kick my brains around the floor
These are the days it never rains but it pours
Ee do ba be
Ee da ba ba ba
Um bo bo
Be lap
People on streets - ee da de da de
People on streets - ee da de da de da de da
Turned away from it all like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
but it's so slashed and torn
Why - why - why ?
Love love love love love
Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance
Why can't we give love that one more chance
Why can't we give love give love give love give love
give love give love give love give love give love
'Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And loves dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure
Under pressure
Music video by Queen performing Under Pressure. 另一個MV版本。
"Under Pressure" is a 1981 song recorded by Queen and David Bowie. It marked Bowie's first released collaboration with another recording artist as a performer, and is featured on Queen's 1982 album Hot Space. The song reached #1 on the UK Singles Chart. It was also number 31 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the '80s.
The song was played live at every Queen concert between 1982-1986. It is recorded in the live albums Queen Rock Montreal and Queen at Wembley. The song was included on Queen's first Greatest Hits compilations, such as the original 1981 Elektra release in the US. It is currently included on the band's compilation albums Greatest Hits II, Classic Queen, and Absolute Greatest as well as the compilation Best of Bowie.
Queen perform 'Under Pressure' live. Taken from 'Queen Rock Montreal'.
Freddie Mercury 在演唱會上的個人版本。
閱讀Sibia的介紹,很有聽DJ說話的fu~ :)
回覆刪除是布偶們的聚會太有fu~了才對 ^^