Siri can help anyone get through a busy day... Or night.
Apple於聖誕節前夕推出了應景的 iPhone 4S廣告 "Santa",除了馴鹿和雪橇之外,聖誕老人今年還多了Siri幫他管理一天37億個禮物預約的浩大行程,像是連結 iOS地圖查詢送達禮物地址、查詢郵件時收到來自 Mrs. Claus 的簡訊、透過Siri查詢當地天氣等等,廣告展現了Siri的各項實用功能,也讓人看見蘋果詼諧幽默的一面。
廣告的背景配樂是來自 Keith Kenniff 所作的 Orchestral – Goldengrove v2 這首樂曲。Keith Kenniff 是美國的作曲家,會演奏各項樂器,同時也製作電子音樂,在許多影片、電視、舞蹈、表演藝術和廣告當中,都能發現到 Keith Kenniff 他創作的樂曲。
Keith Kenniff is an American composer, multi-instrumentalist, and electronic music producer. He composes ambient/electronic music under the moniker Helios and post-classical piano music under Goldmund (the latter’s music once described by no less an authority than Ryuichi Sakamoto as “…so, so, so beautiful…”). He is also half of the indie band Mint Julep, and ambient project "Hollie & Keith Kenniff". Keith is also a composer for film, television, dance and performance art.
Keith Kenniff's music has been featured on programs for NPR, the BBC, and can be heard in a number of documentaries and films, including celebrated indie filmmaker Harmony Korine's film 'Mister Lonely' and a trailer for the 2009 film "Revolutionary Road" by Academy Award winning director Sam Mendes. Keith has also composed music for web advertising by clients such as Facebook, Honda, MTV, Canon, T Mobile, American Express, Audi, Levi's, AEG, Vinamilk, and Christie's.