2012年4月29日 星期日

Tic Tac: "The Worst Breath on Earth"

如果有一天你遇見某個人向你問路,開口回答問路人後,對方卻當場暈倒,旁邊的路人也開始接連的倒下,最後只剩下你一個人,這到底是怎麼一回事呢 ?!

影片是法國 Tic Tac mints 薄荷涼糖的最新廣告,不知情的路人來到廣場,在開口回答火車站方向之後,問路的對方卻當場昏厥,而這突如其來的暈眩卻像骨牌般往廣場四周散開,所有在附近的人都在一瞬間通通倒下,只剩不知情的路人站立著。

路人主角們有的不知所措地楞在原地,有的嚇得崩潰跑走,有的試圖幫助昏厥的人醒來,不管是什麼反應,突然碰到這樣詭異的狀況應該都會讓人覺得很震驚吧 !!

幾秒鐘後,廣場前方的大螢幕出現了影像,原來昏厥效應乘著風飛向了城市每個角落,甚至連假人模特兒也一起暈倒,所有的群眾都無一倖免這場災難,難道是陰屍路第三季法國篇 ?! 這些倒在地上的該不會變成活屍吧 ^^? 影片最後回到了廣場,路人主角看見只剩自己出現在大螢幕上,隨後又出現了採用 Tic Tac 的提示,廣場上一息尚存的人也出聲呼喊要求快點使用 Tic Tac,路人主角吃了 Tic Tac 薄荷涼糖後,廣場上與大螢幕裡昏倒的人才醒過來一起為他鼓掌,整個城市終於又恢復了元氣。

Tic Tac 廣告是由巴黎奧美(Ogilvy & Mather)所製作,其實他的主題是世界上最糟糕的口臭氣味,整體概念是在述說路人主角擁有足以摧毀地球的惡劣口臭,張嘴說句話就讓周遭所有人都陣亡,而在吃了 Tic Tac 薄荷涼糖後,才終於有了清涼芳香的口氣,讓所有人再次醒來拯救了世界,可見 Tic Tac 有多麼重要。當然隨機的不知情路人哪可能有這麼誇張的破壞力,所以是藉由廣場上與大螢幕的演員們,以 flash mob 這樣的快閃活動模式來呈現廣告概念,投射出品牌的訴求,而幽默有趣的快閃昏倒表現手法,也在網路產生病毒話題性,成為了一個很好的快閃廣告範例。

來看看 Tic Tac flashmob 廣告的拍攝過程吧 ~

Ogilvy stages and shoots a live stunt that dramatizes the consequence of having bad breath in order to really set up in an engaging and humorous way the importance of having the fresh TicTac mint on hand.

“The simple truth is that it’s always difficult to tell someone they’ve got bad breath, but we knew TicTac could do it in a way no other mint could – playfully,” Ogilvy’s strategic planner Hadi Zabad explained.

The live stunt was done in Rouen, France, because Ferrero is well known there with its factory.  Most of the people seen in the stunt are real people of Rouen.  For example:  the basketball team is the Rouen basketball team. And that gardener and the girls on the boat, well they’re just townies.  And some 60 people in the grand scene filmed at the Hotel de Ville that shows everyone passed out due to the poor mec’s bad breath are actual employees who work in the Rouen Ferrero factory – so it’s a “refreshing” way to engage the company’s employees. “TicTac is one of those brands who will lead the game of tomorrow.  By letting us play with the story telling value of the brand, instead of being product centric, they create for TicTac a new way to engage their consumers,” said Fred Levron, Executive Director, Head of Digital & Brand Content. “Like the TicTac small mint, it’s fresh and fun.”

Said Ogilvy & Mather Paris’ Executive Creative Director, Chris Garbutt, “I love this job! You grow up and get paid to still be a kid. Playing tricks on people and having a laugh. And that's what Tic Tac is all about-Fresh Fun in a mint. These days you’ve got to be inventive with your thinking. We are living such an exciting time in advertising, when it’s all about earned media, and how many people appropriate your ideas and send them on. When the idea launches, it has to break through all the clutter on You Tube, and earn it’s worth. That’s what we’re trying to explore more and more at Ogilvy. Inventive ideas that make a difference.”

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