Dreams are my reality ~ ♪

前幾日在廣播聽到了 Reality 這首經典情歌,Reality 是1980年法國電影《La Boum》的主題曲,演唱者為 Richard Sanderson。《La Boum》的法文原意是指「Party」,所以在美國上映時的片名是《The Party》,在香港是《初吻》(IQ半熟時),在台灣則是《第一次接觸》。而電影裡的故事也是從派對開始,描述蘇菲瑪索飾演的國中生小薇,父母正在鬧離婚,她卻開始情竇初開,在舞會派對上認識了一位男孩,展開純純的初戀。不過,男孩因為跟著樂團四處表演,小薇不想只透過電話傳情,最後竟離家出走,因而引起了家庭騷動。

《La Boum》是法國玉女明星蘇菲瑪索(Sophie Marceau)在十四歲時主演的第一部電影處女作,清新自然的演出,將少女羞澀又如詩的心事生動地傳達出來,而擅長拍攝少女情懷純愛電影的導演克勞德皮諾托(Claude Pinoteau),也把蘇菲才十四歲的少女早熟性感美,拍得閃閃動人,讓《La Boum》很快地便引起轟動,初挑大樑的蘇菲瑪索因此一夜走紅,以清純如天使的臉孔成功征服了全球影迷,成為80年代最知名的法國女星。

電影裡的經典片段是蘇菲站在吵雜的派對場中,男孩從背後輕輕把耳機帶在她頭上,搖滾音樂逐漸退去,Reality 的歌聲隨之而響起,蘇菲一臉陶醉的沉浸在這首歌曲中,和男孩相擁慢舞,所有的喧鬧頓時也跟著融化了。
" Met you by surprise, I didn't realize that my life would change forever .. ",Reality 這首歌很貼切的寫出初戀那種酸甜滋味,當歌詞第一句響起時,記憶中那段青澀單純的美好歲月,也隨著醉人旋律回到了身邊,在腦海裡一一浮現。
Reality / Richard Sanderson
Met you by surprise
I didn't realize that my life would change forever
Saw you standing there
I didn't know I cared
There was something special in the air
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
It seems as if it's meant to be
Dreams are my reality
A different kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night
And loving seems alright
Although it's only fantasy
If you do exist, honey don't resist
Show me a new way of loving
Tell me that it's true
Show me what to do
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality
The only kind of reality
May be my foolishness has past
And may be now at last
I'll see how a real thing can be
Dreams are my reality
A wonderous world where I like to be
I dream of holding you all night
And holding you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality
Met you by surprise
I didn't realize that my life would change forever
Tell me that it's true
Feelings that I am you
I feel something special about you
Dreams are my reality
A wonderous world where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
Although it's only fantasy
Dreams are my reality
I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night
And loving you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality
La Boum(1980)的預告片