more prius. more possibilities.
the all-new Toyota Prius v系列最新廣告,強調其運動型的多用途汽車空間,出色的燃油效率和低排放性能,將提供更多駕駛樂趣,也為環保貢獻綿力。Prius隨著旋轉的拍攝佈景出現在各種場合情境,未來的生活將因它而擁有更寬廣的可能性 ~
The Prius is a revolutionary car powered by petrol and electricity. Its purpose is to provide driving pleasure and performance with excellent fuel economy and low emissions.
Toyota Prius v
廣告裡的背景音樂是來自 Fabienne Delsol 所演唱的 Come Along 這首歌,收錄在她2007年發行的 Between You And Me 專輯。Fabienne Delsol是位法國歌手,不過表演作品主要以英語為主,受到60年代的影響,她的音樂風格呈現了 UK garage、流行音樂和迷幻的混合性。
Come Along / Fabienne Delsol
Oh come along
come along
baby baby come along
baby baby come along with me
I love you and I need you
just to hug and squeeze you
baby why can't you see
I love you all the while
to see me smile
set my heart at ease
Oh baby can't you see how
much you mean to me
baby baby come along with me... ...