2012年11月1日 星期四

SKYFALL(2012)- Heineken Commercial

007系列最新的電影 SKYFALL 即將在11月上映,這次007電影接受海尼根(Heineken)贊助,除了在電影中可發現海尼根啤酒的身影外,也配合推出了行銷廣告,請來 James Bond 007 本尊丹尼爾.克雷格(Daniel Craig)客串一角,讓廣告更具話題性。

影片由男主角在月台上與被追殺的007相遇作為開場,卻因兩人的衣服完全相同,而讓反派角色誤認開始被追殺,兩方人馬進入列車後,男主角化身成滑稽的秘密探員,在各個主題車廂中化險為夷,展開一段 James Bond 海尼根傳奇之旅。

而真正的007探員 James Bond,最後也順利脫困,從高速行駛的列車往山谷一躍而下跳傘離開,這個超帥的畫面讓我想到今年2012倫敦奧運開幕典禮,英國女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)由 James Bond 護送從直昇機上跳下,張開的英國國旗傘面在空中緩緩降落,搭配著007的經典旋律配樂,讓人看得熱血沸騰。雖然這橋段是由替身演出,但透過奧運轉播在幾十億人面前放送,也讓這畫面成了英國印象的代表性場景。

廣告最終以這個經典的空降畫面做結束,卻也開啟了另一段新的故事,默默為電影做了延續性的行銷概念,想知道跳傘空降後的007會遇見什麼新危機,當然就要進電影院觀看最新的 007:SKYFALL 才會知道囉,期待這部電影的上映。

★ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txTdiofEJwQ
上面是越南海尼根在 youtube 發佈的 SKYFALL 廣告,目前唯一找到的2分鐘最完整版本。

海尼根網站目前正在進行 Crack The Case 開箱任務化身007特務活動,透過互動式的虛擬體驗,讓消費者也能參與007 James Bond 驚險刺激的冒險旅程,有機會獲得海尼根007一公升紀念瓶的優厚報酬。


廣告配樂來自 Gin Wigmore 所演唱的 "Man Like That" 這首歌,Gin Wigmore 是紐西蘭的創作女歌手,在2009年發行首張專輯 Holy Smoke,"Man Like That" 這首歌寫的是關於 Gin Wigmore 之前所認識的某個大爛人,是2012年最新推出的音樂影片,充滿60年代的復古特質。而這次參與海尼根廣告的演出讓她的音樂大大受到矚目,也為即將在美國發行的數位EP和實體專輯 Gravel & Wine 開啟了成功的前景。

Gin Wigmore  -  Man Like That

I don't really wanna wake you
I just came to get my things
But the pretty lil' thing lying there beside you
Better take off my wedding ring
Hey, girl, do you really wanna do this
You don't know what you're stepping in
He's got more where that came from
You're not so special in the end

I'm messing up the place
Kicking down the door
Never wanna see his face no more

(Ooh, ooh) Girl, you better wake up
(Ooh, ooh) Girl, you better run
(He's gone) First thing in the morning
Faster than a bullet coming out of that gun
(Ooh, ooh) Tells you that he loves you
(Ooh, ooh) Then he take it all back
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that

Uh-oh, now he's got you
Right where he thinks you belong
Did he bite you on the neck
Right before the job was done
And does he ask about your mama
Does he sing your song when you get mad
Well, I been there, done that many times
And all the kicking and the screaming won't bring him back

I'm messing up the place
Kicking down the door
Never wanna see his face no more

(Ooh, ooh) Girl, you better wake up
(Ooh, ooh) Girl, you better run
(He's gone) First thing in the morning
Faster than a bullet coming out of that gun
(Ooh, ooh) Tells you that he loves you
(Ooh, ooh) Then he take it all back
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that

(Watch out, watch out) He's gonna get you
(Watch out, watch out) He's gonna get you
(Watch out, watch out) He's gonna get you
(Watch out, watch out) He's gonna get you
(Watch out, watch out) We're gonna get you

(Ooh, ooh) Girl, you better wake up
(Ooh, ooh) Girl, you better run
(He's gone) First thing in the morning
Faster than a bullet coming out of that gun
(Ooh, ooh) Tells you that he loves you
(Ooh, ooh) Then he take it all back
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder
Girl, you gotta wonder 'bout a man like that


