Budweiser,King of Beers。百威啤酒2009年以 "All Together Now" campaign 為主題拍攝了一個廣告,跟上一篇「祝!九州」~ 九州新幹線開業紀念CM有著類似的構思,都是在移動的火車上紀錄廣告所需的影像。而百威卻是以歌詞為主題,呈現出另一個別具巧思的拍攝手法。
廣告是以"All Together Now"這首歌做連結,跟著歌詞一同進行著。各個城市的人聚集在一起,在火車經過的短短幾秒時限內,必須在正確的頻率與timing中,以各種方式拼出呈現"All Together Now"這首歌的歌詞。劇組人員在實際的列車上花了五天超過50個小時的作業時間,克服各種困難後才順利完成這個廣告。
On the 4th July 2009, to coincide with America's Independence Day, Diageo Ireland is launching a new Budweiser campaign featuring a groundbreaking 60 second TV advertisement titled Lyrics.
The Shoot
Lyrics is an ad about people from all over a city coming together to spell out the words to the Beatles track All together now in time to a train as it passes by. Written by Dave Henderson and Richard Denney, and shot by award winning Director Chris Palmer, it was shot over 5 days from an actual train on the metro-rail as it tracked around the city of Chicago.
All in all, the film and crew were on the train for 50 hrs over a 5 day period in temperatures that were often below freezing. Technically it was a remarkably complex shoot as the train needed to be integrated into the everyday running of the usual metro time table, and needed to go at exact speeds that mimicked the pace of the song.
Each lyric then needed to happen at exactly the right moment as the train tracked by so that it could be captured on film. With over 30 Lyrics sets at any one time spread over an 8km loop of the city, it was a logistical challenge to say the least.
Another challenge was that all of the actors were outside for up to 10 hrs a day in the freezing temperatures, often in costumes that provided little warmth. As such there was almost an entire crew of people dedicated to keeping the actors warm with blankets, thermoses and portable heaters.
The people of Chicago were brilliant as well and invited actors into their homes and offered them some respite from the bitter weather during shoot down time glorious stuff.
廣告配樂是The Hours版本的All Together Now,原始的版本是來自The Beatles(披頭四)。1968年以披頭四音樂為來源所拍攝的動畫電影"Yellow Submarine",披頭四在動畫片尾以真實的影像出現,並演唱了"All Together Now",這首歌也收錄在 "Yellow Submarine" 電影原聲專輯中。簡單的歌詞與輕鬆的旋律,充滿歡樂群聚的熱鬧氣氛,還有什麼好說的呢? 讓我們一起大聲高唱 ~ All Together Now !!!
All Together Now was written by Lennon & McCartney and originally recorded by the Beatles in 1967 (released in 1969).
The band behind the music track is The Hours (they are touring with U2 in August), who were able to find time in between touring to re-record a version of the Beatles original specifically for the ad.
The band chose to record the track as organically as possible to keep the tone in line with the film and was recorded in their hotel room using basic unsophisticated equipment and some of the percussion was even made in obscure ways like banging a fire extinguisher against a metal heater.
All Together Now / The Beatles
One two three four
Can I have a little more?
five six seven eight nine ten
I love you
Can I bring my friend to tea?
I love you
Bom bom bom, bompa bom
Sail the ship, bompa bom
Chop the tree, bompa bom
Skip the rope, bompa bom
Look at me
All together now ~~~
Black white green red
Can I take my friend to bed?
Pink brown yellow, orange and blue
I love you
All together now ~~~
Bom bom bom, bompa bom
Sail the ship, bompa bom
Chop the tree, bompa bom
Skip the rope, bompa bom
Look at me
All together now ~~~
Can I bring my friend to tea?
Look at me
這廣告用了許多好玩的創意,拍得挺讚的 ^^