2013年1月21日 星期一

New IKEA Advert 2013 -- Living Together

Ikea 'Living Together' from Paul Hardcastle on Vimeo.

世上最遙遠的距離,不是生與死,而是相愛的兩人明明同住在一起,聽得見對方的聲音,看得見對方的樣子,卻依然分隔遠離。在 IKEA UK 推出的2013最新廣告中,就出現了這雜亂無章的世上最遙遠的距離,一個女人緩慢憂傷的彈奏鋼琴哼著歌,另一個男人也加入了她,明明就聽得見彼此聲音,可是同住一間屋子內的這對戀人,卻因為糟糕的儲藏習慣,讓囤積的雜物越來越高,最後家裡變成了一座破爛的迷宮,再也找不到一個地方可以接近彼此。好不容易在空隙中可以看見對方,用盡全力伸出手卻還是徒勞無功,相愛的兩人只能繼續分隔。

錯誤的儲藏收納習慣不僅會使家裡雜亂,更有可能會影響居住成員的關係,造成情感上的分離,IKEA UK 的廣告顯示了這糟糕的狀況,同時也要向我們傳遞 ‘Make Room for Your Life’ 的概念,房間也是你生活樣貌的一部份。廣告中的戀人在最後終於受不了這令人憤怒的環境,為了見到對方而開始清理房間,透過各種 IKEA 傢具的巧妙儲藏解決方案,讓雜亂迷宮變成明亮乾淨的生活居住空間,相愛的兩人也才得以團聚。

每個人家裡可能都有像廣告中那樣雜亂的一個角落,堆滿了千奇百怪的物品,原本的空間變成了不是空間的異度空間,在我們的居家生活慢慢傾廢。也因此儲藏收納成了每天都會出現的挑戰,該怎麼做才能重新看見那乾淨的地板呢 ? 來 IKEA 買傢具將會是你最好的選擇。

廣告配樂是由 An Escape Plan 樂團所演唱的 "Living Together" 這首歌,改編翻唱自1979年 Bee Gees 的 "Living Together" 同名歌曲。IKEA UK 也推出了完整版本的廣告MV,"Why ain't we livin', livin' together instead of being so so far apart.",歌詞和廣告內容一整個相呼應,這歌也選的太讚了,根本是為歌曲打造的廣告啊 !! 女聲是 Kate Williams,男聲部分則是 An Escape Plan 的創辦人 Craig Brown,兩人重新詮釋的 "Living Together" 和 Bee Gees 版本完全不同,曲風輕柔優雅,非常非常的好聽。

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart

My life was emptiness until you came along
I nearly fell apart, you took my heart and made me strong
And I need all of you to get me through the night
A chance to see the light, I lay my body on the line

livin', livin' together
livin', livin' together
livin', livin' together
livin', livin' together

livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart

Enjoyed the track? You can download it from iTunes!

Bee Gees 在1979年推出的 "Living Together" 原始版本,收錄於 Spirits Having Flown 這張專輯。

Bee Gees  /  Living Together

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart

Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone
Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone

I lay my heart on you and you can show the way
I give my everlasting love until my dying day
Take this lonely soul, the water or the wine
A chance to make you mine, I lay my body on the line

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart

Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone
Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone

My life was emptiness until you came along
I nearly fell apart, you took my heart and made me strong
And I need all of you to get me through the night
A chance to see the light, I lay my body on the line

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart

Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone
Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of being so, so far apart

Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone
Why ain't we livin' together, livin' together
Instead of bein' alone

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart

Why ain't we livin', livin' together
Instead of bein' so, so far apart
Why ain't we livin', livin' together

2 則留言:

  1. IKEA的設計簡潔大方,


  2. 最近本想換個工作桌,但看來看去都沒順眼的 ..

    你太過獎了,我的居家環境也是充滿許多異度空間,要收納得潔淨整齊的確是個挑戰阿 ~
    看了這廣告,這幾天也動手整理了一下房間雜物,應該可以放心繼續 living together了 ^^
