愛,會讓人做出許多瘋狂的事,在 Nike Free Run+ 慢跑鞋的最新廣告中,一對距離遙遠的戀人為了能見彼此一面,決定開始慢跑朝對方前進,而男女主角在慢跑過程中的心情口白,則變成了搭配影片節奏的一首歌曲,傳遞 "I Would Run To You" 的概念,也是廣告最令人印象深刻的部分。
愛可以讓人完成許多不可能的事,慢跑就是其中一件,如果下次你也想這麼浪漫的跑向你愛的人,記得要像廣告中的女主角一樣,穿上 Nike Free Run+ 再跑,才不會半途就被送進醫院喔 :)
I Would Run To You Lyrics:
You're so far away.
You're so far away.
Ain't got too much pride.
Want you back by my side.
Well baby I want that too.
And baby I would run, run to you.
I would run to you.
I would run to you.
The first time you talked to me.
I knew we were meant to be.
And when we finally embraced.
Baby, I can't keep this pace.
I love you. There I said it.
I think I'm gonna need a medic.
You filled the hall with flower petals.
Why does my mouth taste like metal?
Baby I might die without you.
Baby, I might die.
I would run to you.
I'm not as strong as you.
I would run to you.
I (unintelligible heavy breathing) to you.
Love is a speeding comet.
I'm in a pool of my own vomit.
Love is a perfect vision.
This was such a bad decision.
Love makes everything serene.
Give me all of your morphine.
Baby, I know we said we'd run across the country to be together, but I thought we were being symbolic. Why can't we fly, and meet somewhere in the middle? Like Kansas City? It's the Paris of the Plains...
Baby I love you so much that I would run to you.
You would run to me? You would run to me!
Baby I love you so much that I would run to you.
I (you) would run to you (me).

Nike Free Run+ 也很大方的放上這首歌的MP3讓大家免費下載喔 ~
2009年日本也有一個類似的廣告,分隔福岡和東京的一對戀人,為了證明他們的愛情,也決定用跑的去見對方,畫面上的數字分別是男女主角與對方的距離,隨著兩人的跑動而越來越小,最後這令人感動的愛情終於沒有隔閡,兩人得以相聚在一起。不過在廣告末尾的畫面,突然又告訴我們愛還是需要一點薄薄的距離,原來這是保險套的廣告,完全沒有意料到阿 ^^